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1、關(guān)于Amercian culture的英語文章

   pop culture.

When you think of American culture, what firstes to your mind? McDonald's? Coca Cola? Levi's? Disneyland? Michael Jordan? Julia Roberts? Many people imagine American culture is a collection of popular symbols like these. Actually, these symbols are only one small part of American culture"pop culture."

What is pop culture? Well, pop is short for popular. The origins of pop culture can often be traced to popular movies, television shows, music stars and sports figures. Pop culture is al promoted by business and advertising. The mostmon examples of American pop culture appear among high school and college students. Trends set by famous pernalities quickly be part of young people's lifestyles.

American pop culture has spread around the world. One major rean for its popularity is that English is a universal language. English is the language of diplomacy, international business and transportation. Since language and culture go together, learning English means bing aware of Englishspeaking cultures. Al, America is a world leader in movies, music and magazines. The kind of American culturemunicated in those media is pop culture. Finally, pop culture is easy to package and to export. For that rean, it is easy to "sell" to the world.

Many people assume that American pop culture is what America is all about. Does pop culture reflect the true culture of America? Yes and no. Pop culture does represent a portion of American cietyespecially urban young people that are tuned in to the media. But American pop culture is faddish and everchanging. It is an artificial and superficial picture of America. If you want to learn about real American culture, you'll have to go a little farther than McDonald's.

虛擬人格英語文章,關(guān)于虛擬旅游的英語文章  第1張


   A: Do you surf online regularly? What kind of inte connection do you have? ADSLor modem?

B: Of course, ADSL. I stay online four hours at least every day.

A: Are you crazy? What are you doing with four hours online?

B: Millions of things. I surf the Net, check my email, order fancy stuff, and most importantly, I chat with my friends.

A: Online chat? Aren't you afraid of meeting bad people who pretend to be what they are not?

B: Yes and no. Anyway, I love to meet new people in the chat rooms who share a lot inmon with me.

A: It unds cool. I'd like to try, but I think it's still not safe. Some predators often lurk in chat rooms.

B: Come on. You were not born yesterday. You can tell if the pern is bad or not, can't you?

A: Sure, I can in real life! But in cyberspace, hard to say.

B: You are hopeless! Now I have to meet my friends online. See you later!



當(dāng)然是寬帶了。 我每天上網(wǎng)至少四個小時。






行了,你沒那么容易上當(dāng)! 你能分清好壞人,對吧?


真拿你沒轍!現(xiàn)在我得上網(wǎng)會朋友了。 再見!





my name is xxx. i'm years old, and i study in no. :, i have my breakfast. you can see many students and teachers in the dinning room. after breakfast, i often read english with my classmates.

we have six classes every day. the first class begins at am. i like all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. my favorite subject is english, i join english corner every week. i can speak english with many other students there. it's very interesting and exciting. i think it's helpful for me to learn english well. after class, i always play games with my friends. we play basketball, ccer ball, volleyball, pingpong and on. they are very relaxing.

i like my lesns, my friends and my teachers. in a word, i love my school. i find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful. my school life is wonderful, isn't it?

虛擬人格英語文章,關(guān)于虛擬旅游的英語文章  第2張

3、《My view on comic strips》英語作文

   Yuki midorikawa is one of my favorite Japanese of her works are short stories, ingeniously designed,and animation is filled with a touch of sadness. So she has many fans.

Through her works, my favorite one is Xiamuyourenzhang.。

Theic book mainly talks about that the hero Xiamuguizhi has a special ability to see the is unciable because his parents are dead. And he often lives in his relatives' home when he is a little boy and his friends at his age always teas e him because he has a special he experiences many unfortunate things, he is still very kind and withoutplaint at he is adopted by a couple who is very friendly and let him go to high day, He is pursued by a bogie and hid in a shrine. He breaks a powerful bogie‘s seal whose name is that involves her grandmother Xiamulingzi’s relicsa contract that sigh with the then, this powerful bogie turns itself into a cat in daily life to stay with Xiamu to protect him with the condition that Xiamu should give the contract to it after he before that Xiamu decides to try his best to give the name in the contracts to the bogies and let them get , a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.

the story occurs in a longdistance passenger depot. because approaches the spring festival, here passenger are specially many. the station leader wanted all means that to adjust the vehicles, increased the school grade order, but che shaoren were always many, did not help matters. especially when the passenger boards, waits toe a vehicle with great difficulty, everybody closes, you struggle me to snatch, for fear that does not occupy the seat. have this painstakingly which hugged the child the mother, they are always pushed by the strong powerful man in one side, boarded with great difficulty, al can only be stands in there is pushed by the people pushes, the child wah wah cries, the mother with is al bursting into tears in order to lve this problem, the station staff had thought means that in entered the stopping place side to open one to board the channel, and set upright a high signpost “the mother and child to board place”. this means that have facilitated these belt child's mother truly, they may separate with other pernnel, walk the special channel to board ahead of time.

虛擬人格英語文章,關(guān)于虛擬旅游的英語文章  第3張


   There are a zillion book review sites out there, but ours is different! For starters, we classify books based on plot, setting, character, and writing style. Therefore, if you know what kind of book you like, you can find other authors who write similar kind of stories.

For example, if you like murder mysteries involving the murder of lawyers, you can use our detailed search to specifically search for all books involving murder mysteries where the victims are lawyers. If you prefer romances involving love triangles or love polygons, you can search all romances in our database to find all books that have that kind of plot. Just remember when searching that each genre (Literature, Romance, Mystery, etc.) has its own unique search engine, be sure you're in the genre you want to do the searching in.

Our site is unique in that our reviews are more useful than those of most other sites. Usually people will write variations of "Book good!" or "Characters good!" which is useless to readers who do not know what the reviewer's taste is. Our reviews will give you the general outline of the plot. Some would say this is "giving too much away"; we say this is giving you me idea of what the book is all about. It is our unique approach of helping you find just the book you were looking for, which drives over two million visitors a month to our site.

虛擬人格英語文章,關(guān)于虛擬旅游的英語文章  第4張

5、以on online chatting為話題的英語作文.

    on online chatting

Attitudes onputers and middle school studentsIn modern times,vidie games are very popular amoung of them are interested in them a regard them as a kind of small games ,when they have time they play them .But me of them are addicted to play vidie games. They spend all day in play them, that they not only do bad in study butal lead to a bad think we had better be away from the vidie games to have a health body and a satisfied study. video game is beciming more and more students are intrested in it,even be addicted with it,spenging more time on itparing with the time spending on don't think student shoud say good bye to it,me time when you are tired with study, you can have a rest by playing it metime .but if you are a pern who is lacking of master youself,you'd better not touch it.

On online chatting

With the development of IT, online chatting is bing increasingly popular with many people.

However, people's opinions about it vary from pern to pern. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn't produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.

As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the pern who does it. So long as we can keep ourselves under good control, we can use it scientifically and properly without its bad effects.


Secondary school students do online

The recovery of %, of which about % of the percentage of % Junior high school students never used the Inte for online learning. Following is a table online middle school students: I

6、在線等:英語作文《My personality》,不要復(fù)制的~~

   My pernality

No one will fail to notice the fact that everyone has his or her own pernalities, which is the key point to distinguish different the most representative pernality of mine is is a saying goes Silence is gold. Therefore I am a queit boy who enjoy sitting on the bench, bathing in the sunshine and reading a classic. Being surronded by the silence can make me think deeply and have the mood for dreaming of future,because thinking and imagination is necessary for , I al have many friends who relish my silence for I can be the best one listening to their puzzles and troubles.

Furthermore about me, what I am inside is optimistic and I always have the hope for living better, learning better and bing better. As a young man, I am heading for my dream——to be a ~~~(這里自己加), and I am sure to realise it one day.

My name is XXX. I can describe myself as an outgoing pern. I like meeting new friends. I amfortable in any cial setting. I am a cheerful pern with a sunny disposition to match. I tend to see the the world as a halffull rather than a halfempty glass. You can say I am an eternal optimist. When I face difficulties, I am predisposed to the brighter side of situation. Friends tell me I see the world through a rosecolored glass, but I disagree. I love life. I love being happy.

it is very clear and colourless and not anyplex .it',i thik 's my pernality likewhat'.using a rt of drink description. my pernality is that if it needs to useful a word to describe which is 'true'?i think everyone ever asked yourselves the same question. pernality means the various aspects of pern'purified water' will be better than anything else;.because i'm a simple pern and always made no effort to hide my character;s character thatbine to make them different from other people